How is that possible? As a former Starbucks barista explained to Business Insider, both a Grande hot drink (16 oz.) and a Venti hot drink (20 oz.) contain two shots of espresso. Only Venti iced drinks, which are larger (24 oz.), get three shots. A Tall hot drink (12 oz.) contains one shot of espresso. After a quick check of nutrition facts, we’ve confirmed this to be true. Both Grande and a Venti Caffè Lattes, Vanilla Lattes, Cappuccinos, White Chocolate Mochas, and Caramel Macchiatos contain 150mg of caffeine. Both sizes of a Flat White contain 195mg, while both sizes of a Latte Macchiato contain 225mg. The only exceptions are a Caffè Americano (the venti has 75mg more caffeine) and a Caffè Mocha (the venti has 10mg more caffeine—but we’re thinking this has to do with the chocolate). Based on this new knowledge, it appears the majority of Starbucks’ Venti hot beverages are simply filled with more milk, flavor boosters, and syrups to fill up the larger cup. If you do want more caffeine, ask for an extra shot. Or, make Starbucks drinks at home, giving you total control over your buzz.