How to Slice Flank Steak

Whether you’re slicing flank steak before cooking to quickly stir-fry or have finished making a smoky grilled flank steak recipe, you’ll be cutting flank steak the same way. To cut across the grain look at the whole flank steak to determine which direction the muscle fibers are running, then line up your knife perpendicularly (you’ll be cutting through the fibers not parallel to them) to that and slice. Make sure to use a sharp chef’s knife or carving knife to get the cleanest cut. Fortunately, most cuts of flank steak you buy from the store are rectangular in shape with the fibers running the length of the steak, so you’ll slice across the width of the steak rather than the length, which you naturally want to do anyway. Test Kitchen Tip: If you plan on cutting flank steak raw, freeze the meat up to 30 minutes before getting started. This allows for easier uniform slicing.

How to Choose a Flank Steak

No matter what kind of steak you’re buying, avoid packages with tears or with liquid in the bottom of the tray. The meat should have a good color and appear moist but not wet. Any cut edges should be even and not ragged, and the meat should feel firm and cold to the touch. If you don’t need the whole steak for your recipe, cut it in half and freeze the extra for later. Now that you’re a pro on how to cut flank steak, you can apply this slicing-across-the-grain technique to any cut of beef that’s naturally tougher for fork-tender meat every time. For some delicious flank steak ideas, try our go-to grilled flank steak or this arugula steak salad.