“The mere act of addressing certain topics, such as diet and exercise habits or frequency of alcohol or tobacco use, often creates a deeper conversation with more focused discussion regarding approaches to improvement in overall health,” says Michael Barber, MD, PhD, a board-certified internist, cardiologist, electrophysiologist, and medical director at STRATA Integrated Wellness and Spa. Similarly, addressing certain questions on a regular basis—on your own and outside of occasional doctor visits—may make you more attuned to behaviors that could be setting you back or become harmful if left unattended. “It’s interesting how often a person is unaware of habits that fail to successfully align with their overall wellness goals,” says Dr. Barber. Here, a range of experts speak to some key questions and respective assessments that can help serve as personal gut-checks on your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Plus, the best tools and advice (including when to see a medical professional) for getting your happiness and health back on course. What to do about it: For Dr. McGee, the secret to a happy, healthy life is going to bed early and getting up early so you can have time for yourself and set healthy intentions for the day. “I also try to stick to a Mediterranean diet and would suggest exercising for at least 20 minutes three times a week or more.” Dr. Barber explains that a solid morning or post-work workout session can release endorphins and provide relaxing results “with the added benefit of helping manage weight, improving cardiovascular function, and optimizing pulmonary health.” While practices like mindful meditation, yoga, or pilates have all “been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, and deliver the desired result of providing a healthy release from the day’s hustle and bustle.” Additionally, Dr. McGee reiterates that people typically benefit from structure. “Do everything in moderation, but stick to it as much as possible. Habit-stacking research suggests that if you make one small change every two weeks, you can change the course of your life in a matter of a year.” To assess lung functionality, take a full, but not really deep, breath. Set a timer and hold your breath for as long as you can, then stop the timer when you need to exhale. “Normal cardiopulmonary reserve (CPR) is indicated if you are able to hold your breath for more than 25 seconds. Limited CPR is shown at 15 to 20 seconds, and if you can only hold your breath for less than 15 seconds, your breathing is considered very poor.” An additional test: “With normal lung capacity, you should be able to blow out a match from 6 inches away. On average, many people in their 40s and 50s can only blow out a match at a distance of 7 to 8 inches. Young people can often douse the light as far as 12 inches away.” What to do about it: Gittleman says cardiovascular exercise, such as swimming, bike riding, rowing, cross-country skiing, brisk walking, jogging, racket sports, jumping rope, aerobic dancing, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), all require a sustained supply of oxygen and are a great way to improve lung function. Meditative movement practices like yoga that focus on the breath can also be beneficial. “For an at-home session, lie on your back and relax. Breathe in deeply from your diaphragm and up through your chest. Hold for a few seconds and exhale slowly, squeezing your abdominal muscles to push out all of the air. Repeat for five to 10 cycles.” RELATED: 5 Mindfulness Breathing Exercises You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime He recommends asking yourself specific questions surrounding work—a traditional job, going to school, or volunteering—including: Am I showing up each day and performing? Am I really engaging and appreciating the opportunities that my job presents? How am I lovingly contributing to the greater good of the company and my work relationships? What to do about it: To help improve your career, Dr. McGee suggests exploring opportunities to better show up at work. “Try to focus on being more present on the job. Are there parts of the role or organization you can lean into to feel more involved, or can you speak with your boss about additional opportunities to learn and grow?” Attitude can also play a crucial role in appreciation. “Focus on all the ways in which the job serves you, either in terms of skills, network, or supporting your family and other passions,” he advises. “Conversely, if these tactics don’t work and/or you’ve recently [realized you’re] no longer fulfilled, speak to a career coach or do some personal research around other careers that can give you more meaning.” What to do about it: Aim to play—whatever that means to you—a bit every day (at least 15 to 20 minutes) and set aside at least one play day per week, suggests Dr. McGee. Not sure how to find enjoyment these days? “Google various hobbies for inspiration, and schedule it to ensure other things don’t get in the way. It should be fun, interactive, and creative versus just sitting on the couch with the TV playing in the background.” RELATED: 6 Creative Hobbies That Double as Stress-Busters What to do about it: While at-home screening technology can be helpful in identifying and monitoring various stats like blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and other metrics, Dr. Barber stresses the importance of involving your health care professional for thorough analysis and treatment. “Keeping them in the loop with respect to your progress and results, in addition to any problems or symptoms you may experience, can often prevent a future complication or setback,” he explains. “Depending upon the results of your initial evaluation, you may need minimal (once a year or less) or more intensive follow-up to assist in optimizing your progress and managing any underlying health issues discovered at the time.” For a quick assessment, Gittleman recommends the Series of 7s. “The Series of 7s is found in the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and is often used as a possible indicator of declining cognitive function,” she explains. See how well you do counting backward from 100, subtracting seven each time as you go along (100, 93, 86 and so on). “Though not necessarily a diagnostic test, this exercise does require focus, concentration, and memory, all of which are important indicators of mental acuity.” RELATED: What Mindfulness Does to Your Brain: The Science of Neuroplasticity What to do about it: To address cognitive concerns nutritionally and stave off insulin resistance and diabetes, Gittleman suggests a diet that’s low in sugar and high in lean proteins. “I recommend men and women aged 65 years and older eat 100 grams of protein daily, which is about double the RDA for adults under 65. Make sure you get enough essential fatty acids, especially omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9, to nurture your brain. Omega-3s can be found in chia seeds, flaxseeds, fish oil, olive oil, and nuts. You can get omega-6s from unrefined and unheated hemp, pine nuts, sunflower, sesame, and walnuts. Omega 7 is found in macadamia nut oil and sea buckthorn oil, and olive oil is a rich source of omega-9s,” she explains. Gittleman is also a big fan of the “3 Bs”—blueberries, beets, and broccoli. “This powerful trio of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will nourish your brain.” While you’re at it, feel free to enjoy 1 to 2 cups of organic coffee per day. “Not only does it add pep to your step, but it’s also purported to strengthen long and short-term memory, as well as lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.” Lastly, she suggests an afternoon crossword puzzle or sudoku game to help sharpen your mental skills. You need broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays, since they both have unique damaging effects. “UVA rays, which come through both clouds and glass, are considered aging rays because they can lead to premature aging of the skin by causing wrinkles and discoloration. Conversely, UVB rays can be called burning rays because they cause the immediate effects you see from the sun, like a sunburn,” Dr. Marchbein explains. What to do about it: To shield skin from both UVA and UVB rays, Dr. Marchbein suggests opting for a broad-spectrum formula with an SPF of 30 or higher. “Apply half a teaspoon (way more than most people think) to the face, ears, neck, and any other exposed body parts, reapplying every two hours for adequate protection.” Additionally, you’ll want to perform regular skin checks using the ABCDE technique and visit a board-certified dermatologist about existing or new spots that could be cause for concern. What to do about it: Good, healthy relationships require time, attention, connection, kindness, consideration, collaboration, and forgiveness, he continues. “Give loved ones a call to show interest and help nurture them, and open yourself to forming additional connections through recovery, interest, religious, or volunteer groups where you can benefit others,” he says, adding that everyone should strive to have a real connection with at least one person every day, ideally more. RELATED: 5 Life-Affirming Benefits of Writing Letters By Hand, According to Research “When we don’t feel energized after eating or have GI symptoms, such as constipation, bloating, pain, acid reflux, or a feeling of heaviness, it’s an indication that our gut microbiome is out of balance, which can lead to discomfort, as well as more serious matters such as illness and disease,” she adds. What to do about it: Dr. Kumar-Singh recommends short-term intermittent fasting to let your digestive system do what it needs to do. “By allowing your digestion to rest for 12 hours overnight, it has time to clean up and detoxify. Ideally, have an early and light dinner by 7 p.m. and then don’t break your fast until 7 a.m. the next morning,” she suggests, noting that one should visit a doctor if symptoms don’t subside. There may be an underlying issue, such as a certain food sensitivity or allergy that a pro can help address. RELATED: Digestive Woes? These 5 Easy Eating Habits Will Give You a Healthier Gut What to do about it: Spend some time outside. Strive to take a walk (15 to 20 minutes) in nature every day. “You’ll be in sunlight, which will reset your circadian rhythm, and you’ll have access to fresh life-force energy,” says Dr. Kumar-Singh. Plus, you’ll reap physical benefits from the activity. What to do about it: Pay attention to your habits, and if feeling a sense of withdrawal, try willing yourself into action. “Behavioral Activation (or, in layman’s terms, ’try to get up and do something’) used to be thought of as a part of cognitive behavioral therapy, but is now used as its own therapy to combat depression,” says Dr. Gaines. Plan small, doable things you can look forward to: a weekly walk with a friend, date night with your partner, a pedicure, a yoga class. Keep a journal of good things that happened to you—or things you’re grateful for—each day so eventually your mind starts looking out for positive moments. If negative patterns and feelings persist, however, Dr. Gaines suggests seeking professional guidance. RELATED: It’s Probably Time for a Self Check-in—Here’s How to Do It Additionally, gingivitis that can occur when you don’t brush or floss enough to remove plaque can manifest as bleeding gums, bad breath, increased risk for heart disease, and premature loss of teeth. What to do about it: “A proper dental routine includes brushing two times a day for two minutes at a time, 30 seconds per quadrant of your teeth, flossing to get rid of any excess bits, and rinsing with a mouthwash. You can floss and rinse more often, if needed,” Fung says. And if you have sensitive teeth, switch to a sensitive formula toothpaste. “If the sensitivity persists, however, it could be cavities or a deeper infection. If you’re bleeding while flossing or your gums are inflamed, visit a dentist.” “This is a technique borrowed from cognitive therapy pioneer Judith Beck,” she continues. “Ask yourself how much time you’re devoting to some key areas (i.e., friends, family, work, health) and insert divisions into the pie that reflect how you’re currently spending your time. Juxtapose this with another pie reflecting how you’d ideally like to spend your time.” What to do about it: If there’s a discrepancy, ask yourself, “What is one concrete step I can take today to move closer to my ideal pie?” But change doesn’t happen overnight: “Be easy on yourself,” Kolzet says. “It can be helpful to enlist the support of people who will help you build a life that reflects your ideal pie.” What to do about it: It’s absolutely fine to indulge now and then, but Dr. Barber stresses that it should be the exception—not a regular occurrence. For example, if you’re an alcohol drinker, “data would support a nutritional program that limits alcohol to two to four drinks per week, (one drink = 1 1/2 ounces of hard liquor, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer),” he continues. “That said, the American Heart Association recommends no more than one alcoholic beverage equivalent per day for women and two or fewer per day for men.” Keep highly processed foods, refined sugars, and other unhealthy treats to a minimum, and move as much as you can throughout the day to avoid falling into the trap of becoming overly sedentary. Focus on small incremental changes that are realistic and attainable, says Walter Richard Bush Jr., MD, an emergency medicine physician and medical advisor to fitness data analysis app Point. “That might mean adding walks to your daily routine, doing push-ups at home, engaging in a free bootcamp or meditation class online, swapping a salad for fries at a restaurant, making sure there’s something green in every meal, and [gradually] decreasing your consumption of sodas, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco,” he says. RELATED: Don’t Feel Like Yourself? Try These Easy, Science-Backed Solutions to Give Your Health Routine a Reset