The first step to a better morning routine is to evaluate what’s really important, prepare as much as possible the night before, and cut out any extra steps for a more minimal morning schedule. Ultimately, creating a truly functional morning routine will make the rest of the day more positive and productive and less chaotic. Keep in mind that sticking to your morning routine is just as important as planning one out. While a scheduled morning might feel more stressful in the beginning, once you learn to implement these strategies, you’ll wonder how you ever started your day without them. (Next step: Once you get your morning routine down, try incorporating positive self-care activities such as morning stretches to make those early hours even better.)

Life-changing morning routine ideas

If you prefer a healthy breakfast smoothie, prepare all of the ingredients in the blender the night before, leave it in the fridge, and throw in some ice before blending when you wake up. If you aren’t a fan of meal prep, try some protein waffles, which can heat up in the toaster while you get ready. Next, opt for skincare products that do double duty, like a serum that brightens and hydrates, so you can skip some steps in your routine. The morning is also prime time for wardrobe malfunctions. Keep a fashion emergency kit on hand with helpful tools like a lint remover, safety pins, double-sided tape, adhesive buttons, a stain-removing pen, and more. Beauty tools like makeup remover and nail clippers, are also handy to keep around so that a hangnail or eyeliner mishap won’t keep you from getting to work on time.